May 23, 2012


Compelling essay in the NY Times about the breakaway region of Transnistria, on the Eastern side of Moldova and the Western side of Ukraine.

Map by Joe Burgess/NYTimes

May 1, 2012

the tree

On March 23 at approximately 6:15pm I saw on google reader that Julia had posted something new on this site (LJN).  After reading it, I briefly browsed other items and eventually checked facebook. On my newsfeed, Sarah Lawrence College, (which I "like") had posted this picture:

This photo struck me as very familiar! It is an almost identical to the photos that I took of this tree everyday in April of 2006. The photo was so familiar that I double checked to make sure that I was not looking at my own tree pictures which are also posted on facebook.

Julia and I have not been in as frequent touch as we sometimes are. Even so, at 6:36pm I received the following text message from her:
                                            "De: Julia
                                              How would you
                                              feel about
                                              posting the slc 
                                              tree photos to
                                              ljn every day of
                                              Mar 23, 6:36 pm"

Coincidence???!!! Maybe. The photos were posted on the same days that I took them in 2006, starting on April 2nd when I took my first photo.