October 27, 2016

Co-incidences in the mid-to-late teens

We have not posted since 2013, but today Lucia in Durham sent me and my other friend Julia G. an email with this link that she discovered on my Goodreads profile.

I looked at the old entries, including the early ones when I lived on the coast of Southern Maine (and Julia lived with her mom and still worked in an office and had just met her wife.)

Additionally, on my way home tonight, I started brainstorming group call-and-response songs that I could lead the 3rd graders in tomorrow morning when it is my turn to lead the 3rd Grade Morning Meeting at my school. I thought of one, Hey Hey Bo Diddly Bop, which I learned from my friend Andrew and led routinely during one year that is well documented on this blog (2011.) 

When I arrived home, I checked the mailbox. A postcard from my friend Andrew! In the postcard he said that he had moved back to Portland, ME! See you soon, he wrote.

(And I just thought of this one. I was already thinking of Andrew this morning, even before Lucia's email. Andrew always likes to spell my name with a lot of silent "g's." Today, I visited a 5th grade classroom and one student spells her name "Leigha." It's the first time I saw that spelling for real! It does exist!)