April 11, 2013

Contents of my bag

in the big pocket
  1. a whole loaf of Baker's Bounty health bread -- slice it yourself
  2. my ipod ("mypod")
  3. The New Jim Crow, by Michelle Alexander
  4. last week's NYT magazine
  5. umbrella from Caroline's work
  6. slingshot planner
  7. The Ballad of the Sad Cafe and Other Stories, by Carson McCullers
  8. The Ethical Slut: A Guide to Infinite Sexual Possibilities, by Dossie Easton and Catherine A. Liszt
  9. my wallet (actually, my walit)
  10. important (???) letters from my health insurance that I haven't opened yet but keep bringing to work because I think I'll do something with them there
in the small pocket
  1. many loose individually wrapped non-applicator tampons
  2. some tea bags (woman's moon cycle, chai)
  3. a pen that doesn't work very well but is not out of ink yet, so
  4. Ricola cough drops original herb flavor (mitte zucher)
  5. my keys
  6. business cards for the nanny, housekeeper, elder caregiver and employer hotline run by Domestic Workers United

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